Three days ago, I started thinking about how the "Forty days and Forty nights" principle could greatly impact and change my life. So, I started to explore the word of God trying to gain a better understanding of this concept. and what I found was very interesting, so I wanted to share this with y'all.

 In the bible the number forty has a significant meaning. we can see it all over the word of God representing and standing for many different things. 

The first event that occurred for forty days and forty nights was "The flood". It happened for forty days and night to cleanse the face of the earth from the creature that God said that He regret creating. Not a single soul was spared except those who were on the Arc God made Noah build. (Gensis 7:4)

The next forty days and nights event in the bible was when Moses went into the midst of the cloud on mount Sinai. He was there with the Lord, he neither ate nor drink. (Exodus 34:28)

Then we find Elijah, hiding from Jezebel and He complains and asks God to take his life. A few verses later an angel came to him and gave him something to eat. He takes a nap. The angel wakes him up and give him something to eat again. Then the angel tells him that he's got a long journey ahead of him. Guess how long the journey was... forty days and forty nights. He traveled for forty days and night to reach Horeb, the mount of God. (1kings 19:1-8)

In the New Testament Jesus was led to the wilderness by the Holy spirit and he fasted for forty days and forty nights. He was tempted by the devil. But after those days came to an end and he answered to the devil's temptation with the word of God, Angles ministered to him. The bible says that Jesus went back full of and under the power of the spirit into Galilee and that His fame spread through the whole region. (Matthew 4)

After Jesus was resurrected, He was with His disciples for forty days, speaking of the Kingdom of God. It was during this time that Jesus commanded them not to leave Jerusalem and to wait for what God promised them, which was the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:3)

After reading and grasping the idea of the "forty days and nights", I felt like I need forty days and nights as well. I know it is not going to be an easy road, especially because I have never done something like this before and also, I have a problem with starting things and halfway through I forget that I have to finish doing it, and how I thought it was so important to me.  Don't judge ... I know there are some other people who struggle with this too. But this project, these forty days are so necessary, and I really have to finish them. So, I decided to post the bible verse I read every day on my social media account. That way I would feel accountable to some extent and finish this Project. 

This is definitely not an easy job, but I know at the end of my journey there is a Horeb waiting for me. And the end of my journey will also be a starting point to where God is going to take me next.

If you feel like God is speaking to you, urging you to have your forty days and forty nights, then join me and let us seek God together.  And just for the record Project FFD means Project Fasting Forty Days.

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