Late Nighter - The sleeping congregation | Part 3 (final episode )

PART 3 ( finale )

I didn’t know when it happened but I was not laying in my bed, instead I was on the floor with my arms on my face and I was mumbling it’s too bright for a whole one hour. 

It was Sunday, and I was late for church. I swear I thought that today I would be there on time. But I was even late than I was before. So I stormed out of my room half awake, with a crooked tie and messy hair. I was very late when I reached to church, but at least I was there before the offerings were collected. The preacher stood on the podium and that was when I realized something was missing.

Wait… what happened last night? How did I go to bed? Why was I on the floor when I woke up? And what was with the “it is too bright” nonsense I was spouting?

The preacher was boldly saying something about God still speaking today. Although we are ignorant and sometimes naïve to listen. God still speaks to his people. He had a point. Almost all of us on the service were oblivious. Maybe more than half of the congregation might not even remember what he preached after the service. 

What a hopeless communion...

During the whole service I was looking at the preacher but lost in my own thoughts. After he preached it was time to call for new souls to the stage. He began to call people to receive The Lord Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. That this was the time of salvation. He kept calling for new souls to come forward but only one old lady came to the front. We all clapped. After he prayed for her she returned to her seat and I got to look at her face. Just a glimpse anyway!

Where do I know this face? I was so sure that we have never met before, but yet her face was so familiar it was like a Deja vu. Hmm … I could say that I know this face but not as old… maybe a lot younger… what a resemblance…

As usual after the service ended people exchanged greetings and everyone looked happy. It was almost like they came to church to meet this people and not to worship. I shook my head as I was going to my car. And that was when I bumped in to this guy. He was on the phone talking and laughing he was hard to miss… When he bumped into me his key fell and we both reached to the ground to pick it up. And then again he hit my head.

“I am really sorry, excuse me…” And just like that he continued his chat on the phone and left without saying more. He looked familiar too…
“Nathan, hurry up!” a lady said.
“yeah, I’m coming.” It was the guy who bumped into me.

Wait… his name is Nathan? Don’t I know someone called Nathan and looks just like him? I’ve got a strange feeling about this… People that I am facing looked very familiar, what a strange day… I don’t know them personally but somehow I feel like we know each other. What on earth is wrong with me today?? Where do I know all of this people? They looked familiar Where? where on earth do I know them from?

Then suddenly I remembered the preachers’ words… “God still speaks today… weather by his word or by his spirit, God still speaks today. Weather using someone else or to yourself, God still speaks today! Weather through prophecy or a dream, God still speaks today! Even through little kids and old people, God still speaks today! I’m telling you today God is still speaking to you, you just haven’t given him your time to listen…”

That’s it… it was a dream… last night … God spoke to me through a dream… and I was just ignorant to listen but he wanted me to know no matter how messed up their life seemed, they are still his people and I should treat them like God’s chosen people. Imagine if mosses said he wouldn’t lead the Israelite because they are too imperfect to become God’s chosen people? What would have happened…? I am sure there would have been a completely different story in our Bible. This congregation is his. These people are Gods’ chosen people, who am I to judge and say they are dead? They’re just asleep, and are waiting for their leader to wake them up. This is not an empty gathering; it is just a sleeping congregation.

Isaiah 63 (NIV)
¹¹ Then his people recalled the days of old, the days of Moses and his people where is he who brought them through the sea, with the shepherd of his flock? Where is he who set his Holy Spirit among them, ¹² who sent his glorious arm of power to be at Moses' right hand, who divided the waters before them, to gain for himself everlasting renown, ¹³ who led them through the depths? Like a horse in open country, they did not stumble; ¹⁴ like cattle that go down to the plain, they were given rest by the Spirit of the Lord. This is how you guided your people to make for yourself a glorious name.

                                                                      - THE END -

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