Late Nighter - The sleeping congregation | Part 2


 It was just a child…

   A child full of light, and a smile on her face…

a child with this strength to grab and hold me… what is she? Who is she? Where did she come from? I was full of awe with the light and strength she possessed.

“Who are you?”

“I am a new soul.” Said the child with a bright smile.

“A new soul? You mean you just got your name written on the book of life?”

“Yes, that is right.”

“Okay… but why are you here? What are you doing in an awful place like this?”

“I have to let everybody know what happened to me.”

“Are you serious? Can’t you do that somewhere else? There is no one who will listen to you here.”

“But he told me I should start here…”

“With the corpse? Look kid…around here curiosity kills you, I’ve been around here for a while and all I'm trying to do is escape. The longer i stay the sooner i die…”

She didn’t answer … she just kept staring at me with a smile.

“What? What is it?”

“He told me that I will find someone to help me grow when I tell people that I am a new soul. And he is right.” She giggled.

Awkward ….

“what do you mean he was right… you are in the middle of a grave yard kid. You should get out of here while you still can! Don’t babble about growing up, worry about not turning into a corpse!”

“He really was right…”

“You are not listening to me!”

Before I could say anything else the kid hugged me… and said “It is you!” and hugged me.

As I felt the warmth that I felt earlier I couldn't say a word… and now it was not only from the kid, my whole being was engulfed with that warmth. And my light that started to dim, started to glow brighter.

I see… I now see everything… and I know what I must do …

Something changed in me. The coldness and numbness that I was feeling were long gone. I remembered the time when I used to be just like this kid, full of light, full of hope and a smile on my face that had a power to change people’s heart. How long has it been since I felt that way?

“what are we going to do next?” asked the child.

“we are going to wake all of them up… but first we should start with this person.”

I took the child by the hand and led her to the man i chased, the one who had grave wounds. Then I slowly put my hands on his shoulder. The kid followed my lead, she run towards him and hugged his leg.

After a while we heard a cough… then the person started breathing heavily. Both of us looked at each other and smiled because We knew he was going to be okay.

“sir. Are you okay?” I asked, but I was not expecting an answer.

“ye… yes … I think... I am fine…… I can finally … breath…”.

“oh … he can speak…” and then she giggled.

“you are going to be fine sir… it is going to be alright”.

It was slow, but we watched as his light slowly start to shine again. We helped him to lay on the ground so he could rest while his body recovers.

“Do you have a name?” I asked. I felt a bit awkward referring to him as “sir”. I wanted to know his name, and what happened to him. So I started with the simple questions first.

“Nathan… is my name”.

“I am Dave. And this is…”. then I realized that I didn’t know the Kids’ name either.


“Yeah, Hanna”.

“nice to meet both of you. If it weren’t for you, I’d still be frozen”.

   After that Nathan explained the hardships and trouble he went through, and I told him what happened since the time I gained consciousness. It was amazing how light I felt after talking with Nathan and Hanna. It was as if we were carrying each other’s burden together.

“So, what do you plan on doing next?” asked Nathan.

“Well, we are actually trying to wake everyone. But we thought we should start with you first.”

“But… that would take us forever. It is only the three of us”

“Of Course, not! Can’t you see? We can start a chain reaction. The three of us can reach three people at first, but then we will have three more people doing the same thing with us. Doesn’t that mean we can then reach six people at a time? Then we will be able to reach twelve people, twenty-four, and the number just goes on.”

So we did exactly that. And before we knew it, the place we were at started to be filled with bright light. Murmur and chatter begun hearkening through the space.

   I admired the peaceful air that breathes in the arena. Why did I not notice this before? Why did I only discern the darkness, and not the promise of the great king to these people?...

Their light was getting stronger every minute, and I could hardly keep my eyes open. Whoa… this is way too bright… I lifted my arm to cover my face. Even in doing that I could still feel the strong light that shined in front of me.

To Be Continued...


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