

 “I am not sure if I can do this” “are you kidding me? I am going to be humiliated if I talk in front of them again” “there is no way I can handle this” “it’s impossible for me to get there” …

These are the common excuses we give when we are either not ready or not confident. I have done that almost each break when it was time for me to get back to campus. (that would be three times) “I really am not ready to get back there” and all I can think of was how many times I have failed and how many times I was broken. The wrong choices that I made and the times that I felt empty. When I think about returning to campus all that comes to my mind was “I don’t want to repeat all of that again.” 

You see fear steals our confidence, and paralyzes us. All of the “am not ready’s and “am not sure” lack of confidences are originated from fear. Fear of anything. And fear is the devil telling lies and playing mind tricks on us.

But then, so what? 

“am not sure if I can go back there and face my problems”? well guess what mosses might have felt when God asked him to go back to Egypt and face pharaoh. The Bible tells us mosses fled from Egypt after killing an Egyptian (Exodus2:11-12). So technically mosses was a wanted man (Exodus2:13-15). Then God told him not only to go back to Egypt, but also to face Pharaoh. Imagine what mosses might have felt. (Exodus chapter 3 and 4)

“this is way too much, there is no way I can do this”. Imagine how Gideon felt when the angel told him that he was going to free the Israelis. He was practically a coward, in a wine press, beating out wheat, hiding from Midianites. (Judges 6:11)      

How do you think it feels to face a six-foot-tall giant who is armed, on a battle field, with only sling and stones? (1 Samuel17:4-7,40-48)

How would it feel to speak in front of thousand pilgrims and local people, in the morning, in another language, where everybody knows you are illiterate? (Acts 2:4-13)

My point is fear holds you from doing things that are greater than your expectation, things that are beyond your imagination, things that will not only have impact on you but will also impact your surroundings. When you step out of your comfort zone for the first time or the first time you step into a new atmosphere, it’s obvious to be scared or be afraid or have doubts. It is absolutely normal to feel that way. But you have to adjust yourself and take the next step. Otherwise you will never get the chance to see, experience and embrace what lays ahead. 

As the Apostle Paul said;

“Brothers, I don’t regard myself as yet having taken hold, but one thing I do. Forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things which are before, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14

Don’t be scared to take a step and don’t be afraid of what comes next. Because though we don’t know the future, we know who holds our future. He has, is and always will take care of those who put their trust in him and will never let them down. 


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